Cracking Beans Home Coffee Roaster

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How To Roast Coffee Simply At Home

  • Measure out 250g of green coffee

  • Place the tumbling mechanism in the roaster making sure the central spindle aligns with the central groove in the base

  • Warm the roaster on the stove for around 30 seconds on low heat. Turn on you extractor fan

  • Add the beans. Never use a high heat otherwise you will scorch the beans

  • Turn gently from time to time to time noticing the gradual change in color of the beans from green to yellow. Make sure no beans get stuck in the center of the pan

  • You will hear some cracking noises and start to see roast smoke at around 7-8 minutes. This is known as the first crack

  • Carry on turning. You will start to see the beans get darker and darker. The second crack should occur anywhere between 10-13 minutes

  • Remove from the heat. This should be anywhere between 10-15 minutes depending on your tasting preference

  • Pour the beans into a metal colander and leave the roaster to cool before washing. Stir the beans with a wooden spoon until they are warm to the touch. Blow on the beans to remove the chaff or shake between two colanders.